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Digital-First overnight

For issuers and program managers who want to go Digital First or do not want to issue physical cards with sensitive data, or at all.  


Key Benefits


Provide safe digital cards to your customers


Let users see their card data and manage their PIN


Deployable in just a few

view card data_digital cards

Press “View Card Data”

provide authentication_digital cards

Provide authentication

authentication successful_digital cards

Authentication successful

view full card data_digital cards

View full card data


Digital First


Enable your cardholders to instantly view their full card details from the app and use it for eCommerce checkouts.



Provide privacy, security, and convenience to your customers – PCI-DSS-compliant!



Adapt the design to your brand’s look and feel and display card data as text or image.

Fast time to market 


Deploy the solution in mere hours, fast and easy, with our plug & play SDK. 

Connect with our experts

Embrace digital payments. Enable tokenized payments on any wallet. Fast.