Before a payment card can be used in a digital wallet, it needs to be tokenised. So, if you are thinking of launching your mobile wallet, you will need a great tokenisation solution. Good news: You have come to the right place.

What is tokenisation
By tokenizing payment cards, sensitive card data is replaced with a surrogate token via dynamic cryptograms and transaction-specific single-use keys.
Each token is restricted to its dedicated device and each transaction is secured. This significantly reduces risk of fraud and improves transaction security.
Introducing the Mea Token Platform
Enable OEM wallets (e.g. Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay, etc.), issuer-branded wallets, and tokenized eCommerce transactions using Secure Remote Commerce (SRC) on web, mobile, and wearable devices.
Single integration
Integrate once, connect to all Token Service Providers through a common set of APIs
No more maintenance
You are kept up to date with regulatory and payment scheme changes
Faster time to market
Enjoy a simpler and faster track to digital payments with our turnkey solution
OEM Pays and Issuer Pay
Enable OEM wallets, issuer wallets, or both in parallel
Life-cycle management
Access all the functionalities to perform token LCM, customer support, and reporting
Certifiably secure
MTP is PCI-DSS-certified and kept up to date with regular security and functional evaluations
Hosted or licensed model
Deploy MTP on your own premises or at MeaWallet’s secure data center
Unbeatable prices
No setup fees. Only pay from the day of launch
Connect with our experts
Embrace digital payments. Enable tokenized payments on any wallet. Fast.